Registration Services
For Assistance Call: 303-666-4706
For Technical Help: 1-866-847-4762
Choose from the following cards at bottom of form:
Range Cards Available Year-Round!
The PAR Range Card comes loaded with $120 in range balls for the purchase price of just $99.00. That means you receive $21 in FREE range balls, and a discount of 17%.
The BIRDIE Range Card comes loaded with $200 in range balls for the purchase price of just $149.00. That means you receive $51 in FREE range balls, and a discount of 25%.
The EAGLE Range Card comes loaded with $300 in range balls for the purchase price of just $209.00. That means you receive $91 in FREE range balls, and a discount of 30%.
There is a refundable $5 deposit added if you don't have an existing Range Card. If you already have a range card account with us, make sure you set the $5 deposit at bottom of form to $0.00.
If this is a new range account we will mail the physical range card to the address indicated. If you already have a range account the balance purchased will be added to your current account.